Comments on: Emote Through Discussion: Breaking Up With a Book Series /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/ An Expressive Discussion About Books Sun, 26 Nov 2017 21:43:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Weekly Recap| May 3-9, 2015 | Oh, the Books! /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3404 Mon, 18 May 2015 21:33:48 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3404 […] Jenna talks about breaking up with a book series. […]

By: Tammy (@tammygeo) /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3123 Mon, 11 May 2015 15:28:55 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3123 If I find myself absolutely bored by the series I have no problem breaking up with it, ex. Vortex by S.J. Kincaid- I really liked Insignia but Vortex was just ugh so no third book Catalyst for me. Or if I find myself completely disgusted by an event in the book, ex. Darkest Minds. I listened to the audio of this and besides the over descriptions of everything driving me insane, I was disgusted by a sexual assault that takes place at the end of the book and realized I had no desire to continue with this series.

By: Kelly @ Dancing Through the Pages /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3119 Mon, 11 May 2015 00:44:35 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3119 I love this! I’ve had many times where I’ve found myself becoming less and less attached to a particular book series.

By: Christina @ Christina Writes /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3113 Sun, 10 May 2015 15:49:49 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3113 I love this so much!! It’s as useful for TV shows as it is for books — and I completely agree, if you reach a point where you’re just not emotionally involved anymore, you should feel free to drop the sucker and read something else. (Though it’s very, very hard to admit that something you once loved just isn’t that good anymore.)

By: Weekly Recap #3: Blogger Meet-ups and Unexpected Purchases | Deadly Darlings /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3107 Sat, 09 May 2015 15:51:25 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3107 […] Discussion | Jenna @ Bookiemoji helps you answer: when should you break up with a book series? […]

By: Michelle @ In Libris Veritas /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3092 Thu, 07 May 2015 18:22:50 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3092 Love the chart! I typically don’t panic over continuing series because if I didn’t like it I usually just forget all about it. But I have definitely fallen out of love series as time goes on…my real debate is over if I should keep them on my shelves. Part of me wants to keep them because I enjoyed some of the series…but the other part of me wants to get rid of them because I HATED the rest of the series. Decisions decisions.

By: Should I break up or not break up with a series?-chart | Twirling Book Princess Should I break up or not break up with a series?-chart | Twirling Through Books Daily /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3087 Thu, 07 May 2015 14:52:04 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3087 […] I hope that everyone will love this chart and will be able to use it to their advantage. Thanks to Jenna at for making this chart. Here is a link to the discussion post (and you can find the chart there as well): Bookiemoji […]

By: Carina Olsen /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3086 Thu, 07 May 2015 14:41:54 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3086 This post is all kinds of gorgeous Jenna 😀 Thank you so much for writing and sharing. <3 And ack, so very true. I have fallen out of love from a whole bunch of books :\

By: Mehsi /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3085 Thu, 07 May 2015 14:39:53 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3085 Hi!

Thanks for replying and thanks! Then I will post this one on my blog soon, more people need to see this chart.

Thanks, and another thanks for creating this wonderful chart. So far it already helped me with one series I was wondering about.

By: Jenna /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3084 Thu, 07 May 2015 14:37:37 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3084 Go ahead! I do not mind, as long as there is a link back. 😉 I do hope this helps you in the future!!

By: Mehsi /2015/05/discussion-breaking-up/#comment-3069 Wed, 06 May 2015 19:52:09 +0000 /?p=17344#comment-3069 Wow, thanks for this great article and I love the chart, I will be sure to use it. 🙂 Do you mind if I post it on my blog and link back to you/this blog?

On the topic of breaking up with series. Argh, I know the feeling. Sometimes I even have series I don’t like, but then I hear the series gets better and I just want to try it again, even if I know I shouldn’t.

But it is so hard to drop a series, especially if it is one that I loved, but is one that just keeps on going without an end in sight. I just need to pick, either continue and be stuck with it for possibly years and years to come or just drop it and find another series that has a date it will be finished.

I do hope one day that I can just drop a series without feeling guilty for dropping it. Maybe the chart will help me out, I hope so. I will be sure to follow up if I had a few successful runs with giving up a series.

Thanks again!
