Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. This week we were asked to provide ten tips for new book bloggers. As a “new” book blogger myself, I am not sure if I am qualified to give any tips. But then again, after only 3 months of blogging, this site has reached over 20,000 hits (well, maybe closer to 25,000), garnered around 1,100 followers on Twitter, over 800 “likes” on Facebook, and reviewed dozens of books. Perhaps there are a few tips I can provide… Thanks for reading, and please feel free to leave a comment below!
Tip #1 – JUST DO IT!
If you are an aspiring blogger, but just haven’t taken the plunge yet, all you need to do to start blogging is to just do it. First step: Open a WordPress or blog account and name your blog. Write a post then publish it. Then write another post and publish that. Make sure that your first posts include book reviews. Keep the blog a secret until you have a decent number of posts (perhaps 3-4 reviews and a welcome post at minimum) AND a look and feel for the blog that is related to books. Then take the plunge and announce the opening of your blog on social media outlets, such as Facebook or Twitter.
The point is to blog because YOU want to do it. That’s what book blogging is all about: YOU and your love of books. The followers will come from there.
Tip #2 – Remember WHY You Blog
Do not try to shape your blog around other peoples’ tastes. Also, forget about receiving ARCs, or taking part in the coolest blog tours or other events. Don’t worry about what the other guys are doing. This is about YOU. While it is easy to feel a bit green when you see the mailboxes of other bloggers, you must remember this: A LOT of work has gotten them to where they are today. As well as a number of years of blogging behind them. Blogging can be a full time job, and usually it takes 10x more hours of actual work on the blog than the number of books you will get in your mailbox.
But then again, if you start thinking of blogging as “work” then perhaps you’re blogging for all the wrong reasons.
Tip #3 – Remember the Memes, But Know That They Should Not Be All Your Blog Is About
There are many memes (weekly themes/features) out there that you can take part of in order to keep a good amount of content on your blog on a daily basis. That is, if you have something valuable to say about the topics featured. Meme’s should not make up the entire content of your blog, but they can be good for building valuable content.
A few memes that Making the Grade likes to participate in are:
- Top Ten Tuesday (Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish): A weekly feature allowing you to create a Top Ten list abouto books and blogging. Weekly themes are assigned by the hosting blog.
- Waiting on Wednesday (Hosted by Breaking the Spine): A weekly feature of an upcoming book that you’re “waiting for”. This feature is a good way to share upcoming titles with people who might not otherwise know about them.
- In My Mailbox (Hosted by The Story Siren): A Sunday feature of the books we received in our mailboxes for that week.
- Truth or Dare (Hosted by Jenna Does Books): Featuring the books that we would like to see or have seen on film. Allows you to create a dream cast, assign a director, or provide other information to turn the book into a film.
Take part in all or none, but if you’re ever in need of good content, at least you know they’re there.
Tip #4 – Want to Gain Followers? Network, Network Network
This doesn’t mean that you can simply post your blog updates on Twitter and Facebook and leave it at that, it means to INTERACT with your readers: other book lovers, bloggers, authors, publishers, etc. Participate in book chats online, talk to people on Twitter, read other blogs and actually COMMENT on them. People will get to know you, and they will want to check out your blog.
Plus, what better way to spend your free time than talking books with other people? It’s a win-win situation since you’ll be getting to know a lot of awesome people in the process!
Tip #5 – Technical Tricks of the Trade, TAGGING
Tagging within your post is an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tip you DON’T want to forget. Take it from someone who works in web design and communications. TAGGING is key to getting people to your site. If your site is doing well on a daily basis, it is likely because at least HALF (if not 60-75%) of your visitors are likely coming from search engines. It’s all based on your rankings in the search results, high rankings = better hits. How to make this happen?
- Add meta data to images - For images, it is a good idea to include for a title and alternate text with the name of the book and the author. For people, include the actor or actress, author, etc. You will pick up more hits because you have the content that people are looking for.
- Tag your individual posts - Both WordPress and Blogger make it easy to add tags to posts. I recommend tagging with the following: Book, YA, Young Adult, Review, [the genre(s) included in the post], [Book Title(s)], [Author/Actor Name(s)], Giveaway (if a giveaway), [Publisher(s)], Month/Year of Releases, etc.
- Tag in Twitter/Facebook posts - Tag (or @) the Authors/Publishers discussed within the post you are linking to. If they retweet you, that means more people will see your link = more clicks = more hits = more potential followers for your blog.
Tip #6 - Be a Perfectionist
For heaven’s sake, know the difference between “your” and “you’re.” Use your spell check and consult a dictionary when you’re not sure of a word. You know, that ever-convenient Keep it handy in another browser tab. Oh, and read a post twice before you post it. That’s right, not only am I actually expecting you to READ what you type, I’m telling you to read it TWICE.
Be careful, be precise, be articulate, and be organized. Check your grammar and spelling. Correct formatting issues. Fix broken hyperlinks. Don’t notice a mistake in a published post and think there’s nothing you can do about it. We ALL make mistakes, even the best of us. Simply go back and change it. Remember: Your blog is your voice. Don’t get sloppy.
Tip #7 – Read, Read, Read
Yup, just because you start blogging doesn’t mean you stop reading. It may sound silly that I’m saying this, but soon you will see. Once you start blogging on a regular basis you will discover that it is hard to find the time to read. Trust me on this. If you must choose between reading or typing up a random blog post, choose reading every time. Never lose the love of why you started blogging in the first place.
Tip #8 – ARCs
DO NOT. Absolutely DO NOT start requesting books form the publishers until you have a healthy number of followers under your belt. For some publishers this may mean a little as 300-400 on Linky Followers, Google Friend Connect or one of the social network platforms. Other publishers may not even respond to your emails until you have 1,000+ followers and a certain number of hits per day/month on your blog, or if you have been blogging for 6+ months. If the publisher asks for information, you give it to them. And be honest. The other option is that you can decide not to work with them, it’s your choice.
But it is their choice as to whether or not they decide to work with you, so once you do send an email request for a review, don’t bug them. If a publisher does not respond to your email, it doesn’t mean you won’t get what you request… or maybe it does. Publicists are busy people, and you can’t expect them to respond to EVERY email that comes their way. There are HUNDREDS of other bloggers out there asking for the very same books you are. Respect their time and respect yourself by not being pushy.
ARCs are very expensive privileges, and very few are available. Publishers use them as marketing tools, and in the end their marketing dollars will decided where the ARCs go. Blogging IS NOT about free books.
Tip #9 – Don’t Be Shy! Emailing is Easy!
If you do think you’re ready to request an ARC, host a giveaway, conduct an interview, etc. – don’t be shy! Email your favorite authors, publicists, etc. A good starting point is to visit the author’s own website and check out their Contact Me page. Some authors provide only one general email address, others will provide their publicist’s emails, as well. Take what you can get, even if it is just a general email address (that’s where we all begin anyway).
Oh, and DON’T beg other bloggers for their professional contacts. Most publicists don’t WANT their contact information given out to just anybody. Bloggers won’t share it either. Bloggers are not being rude by not sharing, they are being respectful to the publicists whose information they hold.
Once you have an email address and you’re ready to roll, heed to the following advice: In your email, you must clearly state your intent in as few words as possible. It is vital that you include as must blog information as you can upfront, and be specific about what you are requesting. Most importantly, BE PROFESSIONAL.
Here is a good email template I recommend you use for requesting ARCs and adjust accordingly: (Again, ONLY use this template if you are ABSOLUTELY qualified to make such a request. Again, ARCs are not made for any “Joe Schmoe” or “Jane Doe” on the street.)
Subject: Blogger Review Inquiry
Good day,
My name is [Your Name] and I am the administrator of a young adult book review blog, [Blog Name]. I would be honored to have the opportunity to receive an advance copy in order to review the following title on my blog. Readers of our blog are a great fit for the promotion of this title:
[Book Title] by [Author] (ISBN)
BLOG STATS: [BLOG NAME] is actively promoting new and upcoming books; all in the form of book reviews, ARC tours, news and giveaways. As of [DATE], [BLOG NAME] averages ____ unique visitors a month, with a current trend of ___ page views a day. The site has maintained a following of ____ followers distributed across social networks like Facebook and Twitter and email subscriptions.
On the Web [URL]
On Facebook [URL]
On Twitter [URL]
Again, I would be honored to have the opportunity to review your upcoming titles on the blog.Thank you for your time and consideration!
[Your Name]
[Blog Name]
Tip #10 – Do You Blog? Share Your Link Below!
Why? For one, I love meeting fellow bloggers, so I want to know if you are a blogger! And two, by sharing your link below you are following Tip #4 above. I also recommend that if you see a link below, click on it, then comment on the blog, etc. Making new friends is fun, and there’s no easier way to make new friends than by sharing your similar interests with others! (Not to mention, I will know who made it through this entire post if you actually do leave a comment below. Muah-haha.)
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope that I was able to help at least one person out today!
Hi there!
I’m sure you’d know me if you saw my blog. ;3 Or Holli would!
Whit, whit!
Hi! Thanks for the great tips! It’d be awesome if you could check out my blog
Thank you for this post!! I found it very helpful!
This was an extremely informative article, thank you! I’ve saved it for future reference.
I’ve been blogging for about 9 months but I still have so much to learn so thank you! Would love if you’d come check out my blog:
You have beccome popular in a short amount of time! Congratulations!
Your points about getting ARCs are particularly helpful. I haven’t emailed any publishers yet, but I have gotten a couple from Shelf Awareness giveaways, and many of them don’t even ask about your stats, which makes it a great option for newer bloggers.
Pages Unbound
Fantastic post, Jenna! So informative! I for one appreicate all the hard work you put into this blog! <3
Love the tips! Thank you so much for posting them. My brain has officially turned to mush from over-saturation of the most incredibly helpful advice today
Angela @ AJ Arndt Books Blog
Thank you for the fantastic tips.
This school year, I attended my first book convention, and I thought: seriously, why couldn’t I have I heard of book blogs sooner? It’s an entire underground community.
Anyways, here’s my new(ish) blog:
I just started blogging last November and I thank you for this very helpful post. I specially like the email template. Although, I’m not emailing any publisher soon, it’s nice to see how it works and how to sound professional.
Smitten over Books
I just started a new book review blog last year. It was nice of you to put this list together for new bloggers. I can’t stress enough how important #5 is – every day I get visitors because of my tagging. Good job!
Okay, I’m clearly “comment challenged.” I didn’t know how to leave my website name in the
comment field above!
Okay, one more time: the name of my blog is Top Mystery Novels. Whew! Got it.
Once again, I really enjoyed this article. Your tip about #9 is also spot on. Most publicists
won’t deal with you unless you provide them with website stats. They need to know how
many visitors/page loads you get each day before sending you any books. When I first
started out I only had about 50 visitors at my site each day. Although I was awfully proud
of my 50 visitors the publisher wasn’t impressed and told me to contact her once I built
up my readership! So again, thanks for the great article.
I am so glad that you wrote this blog! I am new and I was just asking myself about these very topics. Wish I had discovered this sooner.
Great one!
Hi! I just came across your blog the other day. I must say I am so glad that you wrote this post. While I am not completely a book blogger, the majority of my posts are about books. This post is very informative and I will definitely take heed of your tips. Thanks so much!
Ashley @ Dr. Pepper Diva
Late to the party, I know, but I just found you blog and popped over to this article since I’m newish to the book blogging world
Thanks for you guide to ARCing since I mostly didn’t know how many followers was enough to start asking! Now I know I need to keep working on those numbers 
I am new at blogging and I would be really grateful if someone were to check out my blog
and comment with some feed back.
This was such a helpful post! Thank you! I totally agree with what you said about some bloggers starting a blog only to receive ARCs. I am not saying that actually receiving ARCs is a bad thing, cause I would be lying, but my reason for doing it is to meet people who share my love for books. I used to review for my friend’s blog OUaT for almost 3 years and decided to take the plunge and start my own book review blog. It’s a lot of work, but I am really enjoying it!
Check out my Blog!
Hi, wonderful posts about starting up a blog. I am 6 months old now and you are spot on with your advice. Great tips! Thank you for sharing this
You have a really friendly site here. I’m fairly new on the blog review scene and your site is quite welcoming. Some very good tips there. I always wonder what content to add other than reviews.
This was really helpful! I have been looking for ways to get more followers and will definitely use some of these tips!!!
Thank you soo much for these helpful tips! I’m a newer blogger, with only two months under my belt, and I’m still struggling to maintain a good following. Your tips most definitely have helped though! I would love if you would check out my blog at!
Sorry i totally posted the website wrong, my blog is at
I forgot the “the” haha
Hey! Thanks for these great blogging tips!! They are a great help!!
I just started a book review blog a little over a week ago with two other friends that I met through book groups on FB. We also reviewed on a blog that someone else ran and decided we wanted to start our own.
Our site is
and you can like us on facebook at or twitter @3girlsbooks
Thanks for your great tips!!
Thank you for this! I recently transitioned my blog from being all over the map to focused on book reviews, experiences and professional reflections. This is certainly very useful.
Hey, thanks for the advice. As a semi-new book blogger, it can be a little intimidating. Remember the WHY I started writing about books is easy to forget in the excitement of getting an ARC and wondering: could I get more? Thanks for the reminder.
These are some amazing tips!Thank you for sharing them with everyone (including me). I will definitely be using your tips to help me guide through my new blog!^^ If you don’t mind, could you please check out my blog: that would be great!Thank You!:D
Why great tips you have here! I’m a new blogger, and I’ve been looking around all day for helpful tips on how to get my blog started. You’ve helpe me out a lot! Thank you so much (:
And you said to leave our blog link on the comments? It’s up above underneath my email, but I don’t know how this commenting system works, so here:
Thank you so much!
As a newbie to the world of blogging I really appreciate the tips. I agree with Daniel B. above, it is exciting to receive ARCs and easy to get caught up in the excitement. Thanks to NetGalley I have discovered some new authors that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise read. I was pleasantly surprised when a couple of authors actually made the effort to contact me and thank me for reviewing their books.
Come on over and have a looksee.
I’m not a new blogger but i just started back to blogging after a break.
Very helpful post! Thanks for sharing
This is a wonderful article. Thank you for sharing. I’m new to book blogging and found this helpful. Thank you.
Feel free to check out my blog here:
Brilliant post! This was a very helpful, thank you :0)
Check out my blog here: Once Upon a Moonlight Review…
This was super helpful, thanks so much!
You can check out my blog if you like:
Thanks for all of the great tips! I’ve had my book blog for a little bit and it’s always nice to see other blogs giving support and advice!
P.S. If you want, you can check out my blog at
I’ve been meaning to put up a book review blog for a long time now. I after reading your post, I somehow had the courage to start it. So if you visit my blog, it’s still empty because I just started like just now and I’m still figuring everything out. Hope we can be friends.
This was so informative! Thanks! I was recently in a blogging slump after I begin and no one followed my blog, but I’m just trudging through now and blogging for ME! It’s wonderful. :3
Sam @
Thank you for this information! I have been blogging for over a year now on a consistent basis but I haven’t gotten to many followers yet. So it looks like I will be waiting to request any ARCs.
Laura @ Laura in Bookland
Thank you for this! I may have found this late, but this is the best info I have found so far. I haven’t done many posts since I started. I’ve been concentrating on my WIP, but this will help me when I fulfill my New Year’s resolution to blog more and regularly.
Write For Your Life!
This is a great post. I’ve been blogging for nearly 8 months. I don’t have the kind of numbers that I would like to have but my readership is growing daily. Come on by if you’ve got the time.
Alexia @ Adventures in Reading
Thank you so much! This is ridiculously helpful. I’ve been blogging for about five months and actually have a decent number of readers and followers, but this will be so helpful for years to come.
Hi! Thank you for your awesome post! I’ve been searching for one like this for a very long time, and there it is *bright light and angelic voices*. I was also searching for other bloggers with whom I would be able to make contact with! Again, thanks to you Jenna!
My blog:
Thanks for the advice! I’m definitely going to incorporate your SEO tips – I never thought of being so specific within image tags/captions.
what an awesome post! even though I’ve been blogging for awhile I’ve learned something new! I’ve tried to overcome “allness” disease, we don’t know everything and our greatest learning occurs after we think we know it all! really enjoyed this, thanks!
This is such a useful post. Thanks for writing it! I’m pretty sure I’ll be referring back to it over and over again as I try to figure out how I want to go about my book blog.
I actually just started, but what I do know is I want to see if this is even for me before I go about trying to increase my follower count or requesting ARCs. Again, I appreciate this post so much – thank you! It’s so useful.
My blog:
Excellent article! You helped me make my decision to network and build a following before reaching out to every author and publisher I love for arc’s. This article especially resonated with me because in the last week of making my blog, I haven’t read 1 book! There’s just so much to do with my blog. So here it is and thanks
Thanks for that great post and advice
So helpful since I’m a fairly new blogger
Feel free to check out my blog, I have just started. Still getting the hang of it but I’m getting there
Thank you so much if you do!
A very informative post! Thanks for sharing the tips ^_^
I agree completely with the not finding enough time to read idea. Ever since I started blogging, reading has been difficult to get done. It’s kind of sad, actually
But yes, I loved this post! A lot of helpful tips, so thank you (:
Thank-you so much. This has helped me discover why I loved blogging when I first started out.
My blog isn’t live yet so I don’t want to put in the link and have everyone wondering what is going on, (If it is alright perhaps I can come back and post it once I go live) but I just wanted to thank you for posting this. I have been considering blogging for about two years now but have always been too afraid. I decided to just throw my self into it, give it my all, and hope for the best so having these suggestions really helps to ease my mind (I am kind of, absolutely, terrified in a way) and remind me that I can do this. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this, it is much appreciated.
Hi there from a fairly new blogger. You have a fantastic site with lots of great info so, thank you
This was an extremely helpful post! Thank you!
Great post!! Very helpful. Super new to the blogging world and this info will definitely come in handy in the future.
Love the post! My blog is
Love this post! My blog is:
A really helpful post. Thank you so much for sharing
Happy Reading! xD
Ashton @ Morphys Book Blog
This is really very helpful. Thanks!
And yay, i hope you’ll follow me, this is my blog:
Excellent post and lovely blog. Thanks for all the tips. My blog will be a year old in April 2014 and it has been a fantastic (and scary) journey.
This has been the most helpful blog! I recently started co-blogging at and have been reading up on as many tips as i can find
Thank you for this post! I don’t know how to gain followers though.
thank you that was very helpful. I do not have a blog yet, but that is how I found you through Google.I believe I understand now how to do it. So thank you, Shalon
I loved #6. Thank you for the tips! My blog’s barely 1 month old but I agree that blogging does take up a lot (time, food, rest, sleep). When I started, I thought it was just write-down-what-I-thought, preview, publish… POOF! DONE! Oh how wrong I was.
But I’m enjoying the community so I may hang around until my schedule allows me to. So I guess it’s SEE YOU AROUND!
This is a great post. Thank you. This really helps me, a new blogger, with a lot of things. I especially agree with the advice on Networking. I am a bit shy when it comes to interacting with new people but I’m slowly starting to open up and meet new people or at least follow them
Really good advice! Right now, I’m moving from hobby book blogging (reviewing books that strike my interest, when I feel like) into more professional blogging (getting eARCs, having a posting schedule, having a format for reviews, etc.).
Hello! I’ve been blogging for over a year at Books, books, and more books ( This post was awesome and very helpful!
This is awesome
I just found this now a couple months after I started book blogging! Love the template email as I have a tendency to just sit and stare at my screen trying to figure out the appropriate wording for those emails!
Don’t be afraid to comment and talk to me I love meeting new people!
Check out my blog
Thanks for all the wonderful tips!
thanks for the tips. My blog isn’t just about books but about my little girl as well. xx
Loved this! So helpful!
I’m new to book blogging and this post has helped me out so much! Thank you Jenna!
This was super helpful! Thanks for sharing! (:
Here’s my blog:
Hey, thanks so much for the help! I’ve been blogging for two years and I guess I have just been bobbing along and getting no results. It’s quite frustrating. Haha. I think I’ll do better now. Here’s my blog, anyway:
I know this was posted a couple of years ago, but I just came across it and wanted to say thank you for all the help! Please check out my blog if you have the chance.
Thanks for the tips! I’m just beginning my own reviews and my book blog so these would really help me out.
Here’s my blog:
Thank you for making this post, I found it incredibly helpful! I have been blogging for a while and just starting to feel a little more experienced.
Fantastic post!
These are GREAT tips!!! I have been blogging for almost a year, but I haven’t been great with ‘PR’ until recently. I did start requesting books on Netgalley, which I am regretting doing so early because I didn’t expect to be approved, so I went and requested like 50 books… *sigh* I have a lot of reading to do.
This is a great post! Thank you so much, it’s really helpful!
Love this post! Everything is very helpful. Thanks so much!
This is incredible! I’m fairly new to blogging myself and I’ll be sure to utilise some of these tips! Thanks for sharing!