Make it a Movie: A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab

Make it a Movie (MiaM) is a feature post that is being carried over from my previous blog, Jenna Does Books. This is my way to discuss the books I wish would be made into a movie.

You can join in the fun, too! Want to make a movie out of your favorite books? Feel free to do the same on your blog, and be sure to link your post in the comments below so that we can all visit! You are open to talk about any book out there in any way that you want. For example: Who would you have play the leads in the movie? Who would direct? Would it be animated or live action? What would the film poster look like? etc. (Don’t forget to use the hashtag #MiaM when you share your post on social media!)

Here is a collection of MiaM posters previously shared on Jenna Does Books.
(Click on the thumbnail for a full view of the poster.)

poster-grasshopper-jungle-fake poster-ill-give-you-the-sun-fake poster-landline-fake poster-not-a-drop-to-drink-fake poster-shatter-me-fake poster-super-sweet-century-fake poster-the-immortal-rules-fake poster-these-broken-stars-fake poster-throne-of-glass-fake

This week my meme will focus on A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC by Victoria Schwab. In this post I’ve not only cast the roles of the two leading characters, but I also created a movie poster! I know that Vicious has been optioned for film, but I do hope the same happens with A Darker Shade of Magic.

Let me know what you think of my cast in the comments below!


Make it a Movie: A Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria SchwabA Darker Shade of Magic by Victoria Schwab
Published by Macmillan, Tor on February 24, 2015
Genres: Adult, Fantasy & Magic, Historical
Buy the Book • Goodreads
Kell is one of the last Travelers—rare magicians who choose a parallel universe to visit.

Grey London is dirty, boring, lacks magic, ruled by mad King George. Red London is where life and magic are revered, and the Maresh Dynasty presides over a flourishing empire. White London is ruled by whoever has murdered their way to the throne. People fight to control magic, and the magic fights back, draining the city to its very bones. Once there was Black London - but no one speaks of that now.

Officially, Kell is the Red Traveler, personal ambassador and adopted Prince of Red London, carrying the monthly correspondences between royals of each London. Unofficially, Kell smuggles for those willing to pay for even a glimpse of a world they’ll never see. This dangerous hobby sets him up for accidental treason. Fleeing into Grey London, Kell runs afoul of Delilah Bard, a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She robs him, saves him from a dangerous enemy, then forces him to another world for her 'proper adventure'.

But perilous magic is afoot, and treachery lurks at every turn. To save all of the worlds, Kell and Lila will first need to stay alive — trickier than they hoped.


This poster is actually my own interpretation of the US book cover. I wanted to depicts Kell’s journey through the multiple London’s, as well as convey a sense of the ominous threat that is always close at hand.




actor-tom-felton-dracoKell – Tom Felton

Kell is one of the last Travelers—rare magicians who choose a parallel universe to visit. He is the Red Traveler, personal ambassador and adopted Prince of Red London, carrying the monthly correspondences between royals of each London.

Tom Felton – Who doesn’t know this guy? Raise your hand and let me know in the comments if you honest-to-goodness do not know who he is. (*cough* Harry Potter *cough*) …At least we all know that he already has experience with magic, yes?

actress-felicity-jonesDelilah Bard (Lila) – Felicity Jones

Delila Bard (or Lila, as she is often called) is a cut-purse with lofty aspirations. She robs Kell, saves him from a dangerous enemy, then forces him to another world for a ‘proper adventure’.

Felicity Jones is a feisty young English actress who (I believe) would fit into Lila’s boots quite nicely. She’s known for her comedy stints next to Ricky Garveis in Cemetery Junction, and most recently starred as Jane Hawking in The Theory of Everything, and also had a role in The Amazing Spiderman 2.


About Victoria Schwab

Victoria is the product of a British mother, a Beverly Hills father, and a southern upbringing. Because of this, she has been known to say "tom-ah-toes," "like," and "y'all."

She also tells stories.

She loves fairy tales, and folklore, and stories that make her wonder if the world is really as it seems.


So… What did you think of my poster and casting choices?
If you decide to make your own post this week, please add
the URL in the comments below. (Please link directly to
the post URL and not your blog URL!)


  1. Danielle says:

    Such a fun idea! I love your poster and actor choices and now I know I need to get my hands on this book ASAP! I’d seen a couple things for it, but didn’t really know what it was about. Thanks! 🙂

    • Jenna says:

      YES YES YES! You DO need to get your hands on it! Thank goodness it’ll be out soon!!! I wonder if you’ll picture my castings when you read it – heh heh heh…

  2. Carina Olsen says:

    Aw, I love this post! And that poster looks gooorgeous. <3 I haven't read this book yet, but really excited about it 😀 I'm sure it would make an awesome movie. <3 Thank you for sharing about it sweetie 🙂

    • Jenna says:

      Thank you for stopping by, Carina. I always love reading your comments! I hope you get the opportunity to read this book soon! (Then I wonder if you would agree with my casting.) 😉

  3. Nova @ Out of Time says:

    Your posters made me squee because they’re SO FABULOUS. They look so professional and I can totally see them hanging in my theater ;D

    I will admit that I haven’t read this book but the way the two characters look side by side, is pretty epic.


    • Jenna says:

      Yes. Tom Felton received my full approval in anything, too.

      I look forward to seeing if you agree with my casting after you’ve had the opportunity to read the book.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Daniel says:

    I love the poster. It’s beautiful and really captures the book. Just not sure about Tom Felton as Kell though. the book describes him as tall, slim, and copper haired and my thoughts ran instantly to Eddie Redmayne.

  5. Maz says:

    Would LOVE to see this made into a movie!!
    So excited for the sequel!!

    Although I think Felicity Jones would make an amazing Astrid Dane, although I’m basing that more on physical appearance than anything else 😛

    Who do you think would be a good match for Holland??

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