January DNFs

Every month I plan on doing a brief post on the books that I attempted to read that month and just couldn’t get through them. Granted some months I may not have any, one can hope anyways! I really don’t like to DNF but, to be honest, there are way too many books out there and too little time for me to force myself through a book that I’m just not loving!


Review Books that I just didn’t mesh with:


I made it to 45%.

This is the first book by Sedgwick that I have ever read err tried to read….I was really drawn in by the beautiful cover and the mysterious premise, sadly it was a little too much on the mysterious side, to the point that my head hurt while reading it.


I’m also not the biggest fan when it comes to sci-fi either, so I’m sure that didn’t help much. I’ve seen a lot of rave reviews for this one, so if it’s your thing I say still give it a try.


I made it to 47%.

I REALLY wanted to love this book, SO SO SO badly wanted to. This is the first Holly Black book I’ve picked up and I’ve heard so many amazing things. But guys I was so bored.


It honestly reads more MG to me, like YOUNG MG, which we all know from my ODDITORIUM post that MG and I just have a lot of issues to work out still. I have seen a lot of mixed reviews for this one so it seems to be kind of hit and miss for people. If you like Black’s previous work then maybe this will be the thing for you also!


I made it to 31% .

So I have actually read a few books about suicide this year already. Two that I particularly liked were ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES by Jennifer Niven and I WAS HERE by Gayle Forman. I’m typically a big fan of issue books so I honestly thought I would fall head over heels for this book automatically. Sadly, it was not engaging me AT ALL. The writing felt too simple, and sparked no emotion. I definitely wasn’t caring about the characters and I felt like I could pretty much predict what would happen. So I took to Goodreads and read some reviews from trusted reviewers and it just solidified my decision that this book was not for me.


Now don’t get me wrong, it COULD get better. According to my co-blogger, it DOES get better. I know I didn’t get very far in (I have no patience honestly), but I normally can tell when a book just isn’t going to work for me early on. Also from hearing how it ended I just don’t think it would get better for me. Now if you go on Goodreads there are TONS AND TONS of rave reviews so….it’s very possible it’s just me.


Tell us what you think of the book or my review in the comments below!%


  1. Lori says:

    I totally agree with My Heart and Other Black Holes. I did finish the book but I wasn’t a fan. I felt like so many other people loved it but as a book about suicide and depression, it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. And it was very predictable. I also have The Ghosts of Heaven but the reviews have made me super nervous about it. I’m going to have to give it a chance at some point though. Even if I do DNF it, which it seems likely at this point. Oh well, can’t love them all. But I do love your emojis!!!

    • Crystal says:

      When I read an issues book I NEED to be emotionally invested in it. I want to FEEL like I’m inside the book with the characters and really care what happens. I just didn’t with this one. Ghosts was just too much on the science side for me. If my head is hurting while reading I’m done.

    • Crystal says:

      Meh Kris you know I probably won’t. Too many other things to read. And yes I love the emoji, too bad he brings sad news LOL

    • Crystal says:

      I REALLY wanted to love TDPotF. I was sad I didn’t but the writing was just too MG style for me. It had great potential though I think.

    • Crystal says:

      I at least try to get to 30%. But I’ve had some that I’ve read very little and it’s just NO………
      I hope you like it too! :)

  2. Nova @ Out of Time says:

    Aw to My Heart and Other Black Holes! I really want to read that, even though you DNF-ed. I’ve seen some pretty evenly mixed reviews so I’m probably going to end up taking a chance on it.

    I recognize the cover to the first book, but other than that, it’s a nope for me lol. Will stay away though. Too much mystery can be really annoying!

    • Crystal says:

      Yes I think you should definitely still try MYH&OBH, like you I’ve seen mixed reviews so I think it will come down to personal taste.

  3. Carina Olsen says:

    Aw, great post Crystal. <3 I'm so sorry you had to DNF these books :( Ghosts of Heaven was a three star for me, had some issues with it :p So I very much understand you for not finishing it, hih. And the Darkest Part of the Forest. Sigh. I read chapter one, then I quit it :p I hated that she was kissing everyone. Sigh. Not for me, lol :) Thank you for sharing sweetie. <3 Hope you will have more luck reading books this month :)

  4. Jayvee @ Writer For Misfits says:

    i actually got to finish My Heart and Other Black Holes and reviewed it. Tho there were many parts ai particularly liked, the content near the end was kind of a hit and miss for me. I still did give it a 4 because I’m willing to buy it. As for characters, I wish there was more of the supporting roles and emphasis on how they could affect the main’s perspective for the better. The main is also a hit and miss but I really liied her honesty and vulnerability.

  5. Hazel @ Readarella says:

    Omgosh! I couldn’t get through “The Darkest Part of the Forest” either! I didn’t know what was going on and while the blurb sounded like it would be awesome and I heard so many good things about Holly Black…. I guess my expectations were just too high.

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