Blog Tour: Teen Frankenstein by Chandler Baker (Giveaway)

Today we are participating in the blog tour for Teen Frankenstein! The author, Chandler Baker, has invited some fellow authors on this tour to share some of their highschool horror stories, and today we have a post from Kim Savage, author of AFTER THE WOODS, make sure to go check out more info on her book releasing in February! 🙂


Blog Tour: Teen Frankenstein by Chandler Baker (Giveaway)Teen Frankenstein: High School Horror by Chandler Baker
Published by Macmillan on January 12th 2016
Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy & Magic, General, Horror & Ghost Stories, Love & Romance, Young Adult
The end excuses any evil.Tor Frankenstein, Paris High's resident scientific genius, never expected that her long-awaited


I’m not telling the year, but let’s say that everything that year was big. Big hair. Big dresses. Big

important questions like James Spader or Robert Downey Junior? These were the last days of a

mercifully brief period when big Southern Belle dresses underwired with big plastic hoops were


It wasn’t even my prom. I was a date, and just a Junior. I would rectify the disaster-to-come the

following year at my own prom, for which I’d choose a bubble minidress gathered in a pouf at

mid-thigh. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

The event was held at flashy function hall with a big staircase and a big chandelier. My

confection was baby-pink with a lace underlay and tiers held with pink satin ribbons. I was a

Disney princess. I was Scarlett O’Hara. I might have been frosted.

The stairs were horrifically long, maybe one hundred or more, a helix into hell and you had to go

down it. I was an awkward kid. I once broke my femur skating on a six-by-six frozen patch of

ice. I was not accustomed to heels. You can see where this was going.

Tail. Over. Teakettle.

Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of my history of spectacular falls. A few years later, I

would work selling apartments. Describing the merits of the unit as I descended the stairs, I

would tumble—tail over teakettle—and land on my feet at the bottom, reaching to remove my

high heel from where it had impaled the plaster wall. The couple took the apartment. I guess

they felt grateful for giving them the cocktail party story of a lifetime.

The moral of the story is, high-school horror stories might seem devastating at the time. But

eventually, you learn to stick your landing.


About Chandler Baker

Chandler Baker got her start ghostwriting novels for teens and tweens, including installments in a book series that has sold more than 1 million copies. She grew up in Florida, went to college at the University of Pennsylvania and studied law at the University of Texas. She now lives in Austin with her husband. Although she loves spinning tales with a touch of horror, she is a much bigger scaredy-cat than her stories would lead you to believe.

You can find Chandler as the books contributor on the YouTube channel Weird Girls.


Full Blog Tour Schedule
Fierce Reads
12-Jan Good Books and Good Wine
13-Jan Jana’s Book List
14-Jan Booki Emoji
15-Jan Sci Fi Chick
16-Jan Novel Novice
17-Jan Word Spelunking
18-Jan XPresso Reads
19-Jan Working for the Mandroid
20-Jan Katie’s Book Blog



Chandler will be coming by the blogs and checking out comments, if you post one of your own highschool horror stories in the comments below you could be one of the selected winners to win a special prize!! 


  1. Jonathan Goldhirsch says:

    Eek that was an embarrassing story!! One of my most embarassing moments in high school was when I dropped one of my books down the stairs, bent to pick it up and then all of my stuff came crashing down the stairs as I fell. OOPS.

  2. Alicia says:

    Oh, god. My most horrifying moment… I’m cringing just typing this. Let’s just say it was that time of the month, it was a really bad one, and when I got up at the end of class, the chair was stained. And I’m just gonna leave it at that. Thank god I went to an all girls school.

  3. Holly Biggs says:

    One of my most embarrassing high school moments happened when a few friends and I decided to do a sing and dance number for the talent show. We chose Mariah Carey’s, “Fantasy”, and each had our own solo part. When it was my turn to get on the mic, I panicked and started to laugh loudly and uncontrollably!! I couldn’t even get the words out. It was so humiliating and everyone NEVER let me forget about it, the rest of my high school career.

  4. danielle hammelef says:

    I had just received my license and a senior boy on the basketball team hit my car in the parking lot (it was my parents’ car) and I was scared to death that I’d be in big trouble–first accident and just a newbie driver!

  5. Micah Downey says:

    My very first day of high school, first I tripped on the last step of the bus and scrapped my forehead on the concert. The. A teacher came over and helped me up and I swear in front of everyone she blurts out, oh now you got on the wrongs bus this is the high school not junior high. 😑 I just hung my head and embarrassingly said I am in the 9th grade…… Yeah there was lots of laughing and pointing :/

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