Book Review: Summer of Supernovas by Darcy Woods


OMG HI!! So I know I have been on doing quite a few blog tour posts lately, but I haven’t written a review in FOREVER. I just went through the absolute worst blogger slump in the history of slumps! But I’m so glad to say that I’m finally feeling a little more up to writing now, and I’ve definitely been doing a ton more reading! So I’m here today to talk to you about a super duper adorable book I read ♥


Book Review: Summer of Supernovas by Darcy WoodsSummer of Supernovas by Darcy Woods
Published by Random House Children's Books on May 10th 2016
Genres: Fiction, Literary
Source: ARC from Publisher
Buy the Book • Goodreads

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Fans of Jennifer E. Smith and Jenny Han will fall in love with this heartfelt and humor-laced debut following one girl s race to find the guy of her cosmic dreams. When zodiac-obsessed teen Wilamena Carlisle discovers a planetary alignment that won t repeat for a decade, she s forced to tackle her greatest astrological fear: The Fifth House relationships and love. But when Wil falls for a sensitive guitar player hailing from the wrong side of the astrology chart, she must decide whether a cosmically doomed love is worth rejecting her dead mother s legacy and the very system she s faithfully followed through a lifetime of unfailing belief. Praise for


I’ve had Summer of Supernovas sitting on my shelf for quite a while, but I’ve really been putting it off. There has been quite a lot of love for this book and contemporaries make me nervous in general, so the hype had me extra nervous. I finally picked it up yesterday morning and just could not put it down. It is seriously such an adorable book. I wish I didn’t wait so long to pick it up so I could have been singing it’s praises for so much longer.


I really love Wil. She’s not perfect, has a backstory that really gives the plot a lot of meaning, and sticks to her beliefs no matter how out there they get. You have got to respect that, though it made me yell at her quite a few times. >.>

I want to go ahead and put it out there that there is indeed a triangle. I know this is a deal breaker for some, but it’s not for me as long as it isn’t there just to be there, and this one made sense to me. I’m definitely a Grant girl. I absolutely adored him from the very beginning. I also reallyyyyyy love the build up between Wil and Grant. They have so much chemistry that just leaps right off the page and I may or may not have been chanting “KISS KISS KISS” religiously through out the book.


I really love the relationship Wil has with her Gram and her friend, Irina. I love when contemporaries also show how important family and friends are to a person and to who they are. I also enjoyed Gram’s commentary because she was quite funny in a few scenes. Irina is a spit fire and I really enjoyed her! I also want to mention Manny. I seriously could have used WAY more of him in the book. He was hilarious. I wouldn’t mind him getting his own book honestly.

The ending of this book left me smiling SO hard. It was just so dang adorable. When I read a contemporary I set out to either be smiling like a nut at the end or bawling my eyes out. There really is no in between for me. So I’m glad that this ended just how I wanted it to.



Since I did only give this a 4 star, I do have a few things that didn’t work for me. The main thing was Seth.


My goodness, I really couldn’t stand him, and since he is in SO much of the book it was hard not to let it get to me some. I just really, really didn’t like him. At all.

I also really wish that the two guys, Seth and Grant, hadn’t been connected the way they were. That part really did bother me and the end didn’t really go how I wanted it either between the two guys.

The last issue I had was some of the writing was over detailed for me. Some parts felt more like a movie script to me, and just told me one too many detailed things that seemed unnecessary and would pull me out of the story.

Despite my few issues, they didn’t ruin this book for me, I still thoroughly enjoyed and would definitely recommend it to any contemporary lover, who doesn’t mind a triangle. If you are looking for an adorable, make your cheeks hurt from smiling, super quick, fun read Summer of Supernovas is definitely one you want to pick up!

Four super adorable emojis!



About Darcy Woods

Reading/writing YA is my oxygen.

I love funny. Funny ha-ha and funny weird. I also adore books that have kissy bits because love makes life's pointy edges more smooth. Cats, music, and lattes happen regularly in my home. Once upon a time I refueled helicopters for the US Army and threw live grenades. Now I throw words.

My Golden Heart-winning debut YA novel, SUMMER OF SUPERNOVAS, comes out from Random House/Crown May 2016.


If you have read this one let me know what you thought!

Also leave me some fun, adorable contemporary recs ♥


  1. Carina Olsen says:

    Aw 😀 YAY for writing a review after such a long time not writing one. <3 Hugs. Loved reading your amazing review for this book Crystal 😀 You make it seem so cute. So glad you liked it a lot despite a few issues 🙂 It seems pretty awesome, yet probably not for me, lol. But still. So cute 😀 Thank you for sharing about it sweet girl. <3 I hope you are doing the best 🙂

    • Crystal says:

      I just tried to remember she believed this stuff 100% and tried to keep that mind set even though I didn’t fully understand it or relate with it. But I really loved it over all!

  2. Tasya says:

    This one sounds like a perfect summer read, and I’ve heard amazing things about this book, so definitely going to read this one! Glad you enjoyed it<33

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