Meet the Newbies: Janet B. Taylor (Interview + Giveaway)

Meet the Newbies: Janet B. Taylor (Interview + Giveaway)

Heyyyyyy guys! I’m here with another Meet the Newbies post today! This time I’m introducing the author of INTO THE DIM, Janet B. Taylor!! She did an awesome interview and there is an awesome giveaway at the bottom of the post, so make sure to enter that!

Author Most Likely to Overuse!!! Exclamation!!! Points!!!!!!!

Nickname: Ninja Mom (yep, there’s a story there!)

First Day of School: March 1, 2016

Homeroom: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Young Readers

Grade: YA Fantasy/Time Travel

Extracurricular Activities: Medieval Weapons Training

Favorite Class: Medieval Medicine (with focus on healing sword cuts)

Favorite Quote/Motto:

Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, (Katherine Hepburn) in: THE LION IN WINTER.

Angry at his older sons, King Henry II wants to divorce Eleanor and marry the

younger Alais.

Alais knows Prince Richard the Lionheart would try to kill any new sons she and

Henry had as a threat to his inheritance. She tells Eleanor: ‘But you would stop

him. You would never let Richard hurt my child”

Eleanor’s response to this threat?

“Let him? I’d push him through the nursery door.”

(Lesson? Don’t mess w/the Queen or the people she loves.)


Meet the Newbies: Janet B. Taylor (Interview + Giveaway)Into the Dim by Janet B. Taylor
Published by Houghton Mifflin on March 1st 2016
Genres: Historical, Love & Romance, Medieval, Time Travel, Young Adult
Buy the BookGoodreads

When fragile, sixteen-year-old Hope Walton loses her mom to an earthquake overseas, her secluded world crumbles. Agreeing to spend the summer in Scotland, Hope discovers that her mother was more than a brilliant academic, but also a member of a secret society of time travelers. Trapped in the twelfth century in the age of Eleanor of Aquitaine, Hope has seventy-two hours to rescue her mother and get back to their own time. Along the way, her path collides with that of a mysterious boy who could be vital to her mission . . . or the key to Hope’s undoing.


B: What inspired you to write Into the Dim?

JT: First of all, I’m a major history nerd, particularly English history. (Yep. I geek out hard on the whole ‘royalty’ thing.) I also love, LOVE to travel. So when I got ready to write my first book, I decided I wanted to combine my two loves, and take my readers along on a cool vacation adventure they couldn’t get from any travel agency. I also decided I wanted to show history through modern sensibilities. To show what it would be like if someone from our age had to survive during those kinds of difficulties.

B: Are there any scenes you had to cut before publishing that you could share?

JT: There was this one scene, when Hope and the gang first arrive in medieval London, where Eustace—one of the bad guys in the novel—torments a trained bear. The bear gets sick of it, breaks free, and rampages through the market. I loved it, but even I have to admit, it was a bit gruesome!

B: If you could be any character in your book for a day, who would you be and why?

JT: Historical figure-wise, I would LOVE to be Eleanor of Aquitaine. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be queen for a day…and THAT queen in particular. As far as the modern characters…I think I’d like to be Phoebe. She’s just a hell of a lot of fun and I bet everyone in the area just loves her!

B: What was the weirdest thing you had to research while writing Into the Dim?


JT: Oh man, if someone ever searched my internet history, they’d totally think I’m a mass murderer or something. Lots of “How to gut someone with a sword” Images of “Entrails spilling out” And right now—working on book two—there a lot of torture and pictures of people getting lobotomies!

B: Do you listen to music while writing, if so what’s on your most recent playlist?

JT: Yeah, no. I get too involved in the music. Plus, certain songs make me dance. I don’t want to, it’s a compulsion. And…I can assure you that it is sight no human should ever, ever have to witness. Even my dog won’t look me in the eye afterward. 

B: Did you always know you wanted to be a writer, if so what made you want to be one?

JT: Though I wrote a lot when I was a kid, my degree is actually in biology, because I wanted to be in medicine. I’ve worked in hospitals for a very long time, and the ‘writing for a living’ idea only came after I actually finished ITD and realized, “Hey, this isn’t terrible.”  

B: What book have you re-read the most?

JT: As a kid it was ‘A Wrinkle in Time’ ‘Where the Red Fern Grows’ and ‘Down a Dark Hall’ by Lois Duncan.

As an adult….OUTLANDER, baby. Always OUTLANDER.

B: If someone dared you to write “book nerd” on your forehead while wearing your favorite pajamas- and then share a photo of it – would you do it? (If so, we double dog dare you to do it and share it with us right here!)

JT: HECK YEAH, I would!! I am PROUD of my book nerdism

Here ya go! (Just please ignore the fact that Mt. Vesuvius has decided to take up residence on my chin.)



About Janet B. Taylor

The 2013 winner of the coveted #PitchWars, Janet B Taylor, has four years' experience writing

web content for a major television network fan site (CBS) that garners over a hundred thousand

hits a day. Janet travels extensively to those places where her novels are set, often roaming

around at night to commune with the famous historical figures about which she loves to write.

She is a member of several writing organizations, including the SCBWI and the Historical Novel

Society, and lives in a tiny town in Arkansas with her family.


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  1. Kathleen P says:

    This book sounds amazing! I love time travel books. Thank you for highlighting this book and sharing the interview with Janet.

  2. Carina Olsen says:

    Lovely post Crystal 😀 I am pretty curious about this book. It looks pretty gorgeous and seen some great things about it 😀 But not sure if it will be for me, lol. But anyway. Lovely interview sweet girl 😀 Thank you for sharing about it. <3 Hugs.

  3. Agus Z says:

    This book is already on my TBR list. It sounds amazing! Can’t wait to read it!
    Oh I get too involved in the music and I even dance too LOL. I can’t listen to music when I’m reading xD
    Loved the interview!

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